Les devoirs/Homework

Xtra Math
Students have now been provided with an Xtra Math account and pin number to practice their basic math facts both at home and at school. Students will be bringing home a flyer with instructions with how to register or link a previous account to their new one. Please follow the flyer's instructions to sign up on the Xtra Math website. If you are having difficulties signing up or linking a previous account, please let me know!

Lecture chez moi
Room 21 will be starting home reading in French, or “lecture chez moi”. Students will bring home their reading log and book. When possible, it is expected that the student will read for 15 to 20 minutes in French each night that French home reading is assigned. They may read the same book a couple of times depending on the length of the text. I encourage students to read out loud even if their parents don’t understand what they are reading to build fluency in their French reading.

There is space provided in the log for them to indicate the title and the date as well as a space for your signature to indicate that they have completed their reading. Students will have the chance to exchange their books when they first come to school. They will be asked to down the title of the book on their “check out” card in the classroom.

English reading will not be mandatory as students often read at home and in class for pleasure. I will, however, provide a BINGO sheet for students to check off different literary genres as they read them. Students may hand in and replace both their English BINGO sheet and French reading log as they need to.

** Please note that some students will be placed in guided reading groups with me throughout the year in either French or English. I will be providing them with levelled books to take home and practice. I will contact you individually, with more details, should your child be participating in guided reading.

Thank you for your support and please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school if you have any questions!

Mme. Buchanan

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