Today, students will be bringing home their home reading or "lecture chez moi" for the first time. Each student has received a purple folder containing their French reading log, English BINGO sheet, French pronunciation tricks for parents, and a letter explaining the home reading process. The same letter can be found on the
Lecture chez moi page of the blog.
Students also received time this afternoon to finish up the rough draft of their "My Summer Vacation" writing prompt. Those who were not finished were asked to complete the rough draft for Monday, so that we may begin to edit and revise our work.
October Scholastic order forms were handed out today as well, as the September orders should be due to arrive next week.
As an introduction to our first Science Unit: Les forces, students were given the challenge of finding examples at home this weekend, where they would "use the force" (i.e. pushing, pulling, magnetic force, gravitational force, forces of nature, etc.)
Possible topics for discussion this week are 100 Happy Days, 100 grid dice game, Terry Fox, word work, the "être" song, and reading buddies.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan