Friday, 18 December 2015

Happy Holidays!!!!

I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Holidays!!!

Students have been asked to think about a concours d'art (French speech) topic over the Holidays. They can either make up a story (ex// a funny story that happened to them), write a persuasive piece (ex//why it is important to recycle) or and informative piece about an interesting topic. Should students need to do research for their topic, they are strongly encouraged to do so over the break (if they have time) as we only have 7 i-pads available for research in class.

I have also asked students to make a point of doing Xtra-Math practice on a daily basis when possible to do so. This will better prepare them for our 3 and 4 digit addition or subtraction unit when we return in January.

**Students were also given the option of bringing two or three French books home for home reading over the break!

I hope you have a wonderful two weeks with your family and I will see you in the New Year!
Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 11 December 2015

Winter Concert

Winter Concert 2015
~Le bel hiver~

Tuesday, December 15th @ 6:30pm
Immanuel Pentecostal Church, 955 Wilkes Ave
Silver Collection at the door

Doors open at 5:45 pm
Student supervision begins at 6:00 pm
There will be signs posted to help you locate your room

Dress Code: Fancy attire. 
There is no specific colour that the 
students need to wear this year. 

Thursday, 10 December 2015


With our last week fast approaching, here is a quick look at what next has in store for our school:
  • Monday - Holiday Head apparel Day- "Hat Day"
  • Tuesday - Concert Day
  • Wednesday - Pyjama Day
  • Thursday - The Grinch/Who Family Day - (sing along in the gym with Mme. Ager and all the Who's - time TBA)  **T.U.S.C.
  • Friday - Ugly Sweater/Red/Green Day **Skating in the morning; class party in the afternoon.

Monday, 7 December 2015

The places we've been

As we begin our study of world geography, students have been asked to bring in a list of the different places that we have travelled to. It is our hope to identify on our classroom map all the different destinations that we have been to.

Thank you for your continued support!
Mme. Buchanan

Monday, 30 November 2015

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow, December 1st, is early dismissal. Students will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m.

French T.U.S.C.

Today students were assigned their new roles for the December T.U.S.C. Now that they have had practice with preparing a one minute presentation, I would like for them to have the opportunity to do the same in French. The roles stay the same and they have bilingual copies of each worksheet that they can refer to if they are unsure of any words on the French worksheet.

They can also use the website : to help them translate words. (No google translate please!!!)

I am also more than happy to help any student who wishes to stay in for a recess or lunch hour with help looking over or writing their presentation, so long as they let me know ahead of time.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 27 November 2015

Dancing with R&B fundraiser

Just a friendly reminder that Dancing with R&B fundraising money and envelopes will be due back by Tuesday, December 1st.

Please let me know if you have any questions! It was great to see all of you at our portfolio evening!
Mme. Buchanan

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Report Cards

This afternoon, students will be sent home with an envelope containing their report cards as well as the results of their provincial reading assessments. Please take the time to read over the report card with your child. There is also a feedback form in the envelope for you to share your comments. Please sign this form and return it along with your child's envelope as soon as possible.

**A reminder that Thursday and Friday are student led conferences. Since there will be 4 families visiting the classroom during each time slot, please email me with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding the report card, to ensure a more private conversation.

I look forward to seeing you at the portfolio evenings! It was a great first term!
Mme. Buchanan

Spelling and Dictée

Students were sent home with their spelling word list yesterday afternoon. Each spelling group received a mini lesson with me to better understand the rules behind the words on their list. Students are once again given time this week during our literacy centres to practice their Spelling words. Their test will be on Monday, November 30th.

** Please make sure that you have seen and signed your child's dictée test by tomorrow. It is important that all students bring back their pink dictée booklet, as we will continue to use it throughout the year.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mme. Buchanan

Monday, 23 November 2015

Dancing with R+B

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is our Dancing with R+B fundraiser. Our class will be dancing in the gym periods 7 & 8 (from 2:50 to 3:40).

Students are reminder to dress as a something that starts with the letter "R" or "B". Families are welcome to join!

Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 20 November 2015

Students remained on task during all work periods and had very little finish up at the end of the day. Most students where able to finish their paragraph plan and rough draft. They are encouraged to continue studying for their first dictée test on Monday.

Possible topics for discussion this week: Paragraph writing, drums, place value and French numbers, "mantras".

A friendly reminder that report cards go out on Wednesday and student-led conferences are on Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions regarding the report cards, please feel free to send me an email, as conferences will not be individual.

Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Winter is here!

Yesterday was a lot of fun out in the snow...but some students were quite wet. Would you please put a ziplock bag in your child's backpack with a full change of clothes: socks, underwear, pants and a t-shirt.

Also, please be sure to send an extra pair or two pairs of mitts. With 3 recesses outside mitts can be soaking and very cold by last recess.
A reminder that all students should now be wearing winter boots, snow pants, a winter jacket, a scarf or neck warmer, mitts, and a toque. Recess is much more fun when you're dressed to play in the snow.
Lastly, please ensure all your child's outerwear is well labeled with their name and last initial. If the item is lost or taken accidentally by someone with the same item it makes finding the owner much easier. 

Thank you for your anticipated support in keeping your child warm, dry and comfortable at school.

Enjoy the snow!

Mme. Buchanan

Monday, 16 November 2015

Dictée and Spelling

Today students are bringing home their first dictée word list to study. Each student has two copies, one in their binder to study at school and another to bring home for studying. Based on the parent survey, students will be expected to study at home, yet they will also be provided time during their Daily 5 centres twice a week to practice writing out their words as well.

The first set of dictée words are based on French numbers. Students did a mini quiz today to determine which numbers they know. Students were given one of four dictée word lists to study based on what numbers they do or do not know. Students received time in class today to go over the word lists. Most students are comfortable with saying their French numbers aloud, but I can certainly send home a recording of the words if needed.

Students will have one week to study their dictée words and be provided with a Spelling word list for the following week. Students will continue to alternate between dictée and Spelling. Our first dictée test will be written on Monday, November 23rd, and they will be provided with a set of Spelling words on that same day to write for the following Monday.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you,
Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 6 November 2015

Remembrance Day

Students have done an exceptional job this week in creating and presenting a peace related activity involving the entire school. I have heard nothing but awesome feedback from the other teachers when the grade 4s have gone to present the activity to the other classrooms.

On Tuesday, November 10th, our class will present the final project at the Remembrance Day ceremony, starting at 11:00 am. We would love it if you could attend! Certain students will have a speaking role while presenting the project to the school. I have attached a copy of the written presentation along with the speakers below. Students speaking are encouraged to practice and memorize their part over the weekend.

Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you!
Mme. Buchanan
Students worked hard this afternoon to finish up all their work this week. Additional homework is written in their agenda.

Topics this week: Remembrance Day, The Dove Project, converting time, contrast poems, Compass project.

** I've given students the challenge to convert one year into minutes. If you know your musicals, there is a song that gives you the answer! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions! Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Test outline - Les forces (Tuesday, November 10)

On Tuesday, I will be asking students to write a short test to review their Forces unit in Sciences de la Nature. All questions will be either one word answers, multiple choice, or True or False. 
Students need to know how to define or give an example of:
- Statique electricity
- Traction and repulsion
- Magnets (laws of attraction- traction or repulsion, poles, examples, natural magnets)
Students have had two revisions in class and have brought a copy of the pictured outline below and three worksheets (two green and one white). The Bill Nye worksheet has 30 questions, but students do not need to memorize all of the questions. They just need to know the poles, the laws of attraction, magnets in nature, and that magnets are only attracted to or made out of metal).

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Students who are feeling unsure about the test are strongly encouraged to come see me at either recess tomorrow or Monday where I can spend some extra time reviewing with them.
Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 30 October 2015

Remembrance Day Relative
To help students to make a personal connection to Remembrance Day, I have asked them to find out about any relatives, neighbours, or family friends who have served in the war or are currently serving with the Canadian Forces. Please send in their name, the war they served in, and a photo if possible. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a safe and happy Halloween! The photos from this week's activities will be up next week! :)
Mme Buchanan

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Students received time to finish up work this week, as we will be spending most of our time tomorrow presenting our T.U.S.C. presentations and participating in Halloween related activities.
All students have finished their work for the week. **A reminder for students to please practice their T.U.S.C. presentations tonight.

Possible discussion topics for this week: The 24 hour clock, how to make a screw magnetic, the North and South pole, estimating and measuring pumpkins, Minion art, detail dots, Winnie the Bear.

**A reminder that students will change into their costumes at school tomorrow afternoon. Please ensure that all costumes are appropriate and mask free!

Thank you and Happy Halloween!
Mme. Buchanan

Story Time with Linsay Mattick, great granddaughter of Harry Colburn and author of "Finding Winnie".

Design process - compass
To conclude our study on magnetic forces, students will be asked to make a compass for their design process. On Tuesday, students will be put into groups and asked to plan out their project. They will be required to bring their materials in on Wednesday to begin construction. They will have two full afternoons to complete their project by 3:30 on Thursday. Students have reviewed that the compass needle will need to be a magnetic metal (iron, nickel, cobalt) in order to be attracted to the North pole. I have included a few websites below to give ideas as to types of materials that students can use.

**All material need to be everyday items (nothing premade) and handed in to me on Wednesday. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mme. Buchanan

Thursday, 22 October 2015

My 100 happy day thing is gym because we got to do the beep test. I chose this because I got up to 45 laps. #100HappyDays - Adam
Today we watched a few sample videos and discussed what makes a good speech. We concluded that a good speech should have an introduction and conclusion, and the speaker should be looking at the class while speaking with a loud, clear, slow voice. I also gave students a chance to ask me any questions about their upcoming T.U.S.C. presentation during their Finish Up work period.

Our Finish Up work period today focused on finishing the plan for our Monster Stories and starting the rough draft. I have asked students to finish their rough draft of the Monster Stories for Monday, so that we can edit and revise them in time to read to our Kindergarten buddies for Halloween. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the stories.

Possible discussion topics for this week include : Journaling, magnets, Bunnicula, and the 24 hour clock.

**A reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Monday, 19 October 2015

L'activité de l'Halloween
On Wednesday, October 28th, we will be joined by the grade 4s from M. Proulx' class to do a Halloween activity. If students could please bring in $3 to cover the materials needed for their craft, it would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering to come in for the morning or afternoon, please let me know!

Thank you!
Mme. Buchanan

Thursday, 15 October 2015


On Friday, October 30th, students will be participating in their first T.U.S.C. (Totally Unbelievable Speakers Club) meeting. Students were sent home with a parent newsletter explaining how T.U.S.C. will be organized this year as well as their T.U.S.C. duotangs containing a list of different roles and responsibilities. Please take a moment tonight to go over the possible roles with your child so that they can come to school tomorrow with their top 5 choices in mind. Students will be chosen at random tomorrow morning to sign up for one of the roles for October 30th. They will be encouraged to write their role in their agenda. We will also be taking time in class to go over the qualities of a good speech. There is a T.U.S.C. evaluation rubric provided in the duotang for students to refer to when preparing their presentations.

I hope that the parent newsletter will be able to answer all of your questions regarding T.U.S.C., but if not, please feel free to contact me at any time!

Mme. Buchanan

Journal memories

Students began "journaling" today and were encouraged to bring in any photos, movie tickets, concert tickets, or any other small form of memorabilia that they can glue into their journals and write about. Please take time this weekend to brainstorm with your child about any tokens that they can bring in. Students have been provided with a small pocket in the back of their journals that they can keep their memories in until they are ready to glue them in.

They are also welcome to bring in more memorabilia throughout the year as they make new memories.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 9 October 2015

Students worked hard today to finish up their work for the week. We also managed to squeeze in two Art projects with our extra time! Most students are done all of their work, however, if they are not, they will be bringing the good copies of their "My Summer Vacation" written work to finish and a short science sheet that requires them to cut and paste different examples of "traction" or "pousée". Should students need help with French vocabulary on the science worksheet, is an awesome online dictionary!

Possible topics of discussion this week are: Les forces (traction et pousée), l'heure (time), making connections to reading, Thanksgiving wreaths (couronnes), and pumpkin pastel art.

#100Happy Days will now be moved to Fridays, as we have more time during finish up work to focus on our reflections.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and or long weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Xtra Math
Students will be bringing home their Xtra Math flyers after school today. Please follow the instructions to sign up or link a previous account to the new one by this Friday. Students will be encouraged to practice their Xtra Math basic facts every day either on their home i-pad or home computer, and will be provided with time to do so in class as well. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 2 October 2015

I like daily 5 because I can read with a friend an its a lot of fun! #100HappyDays - Benjamin
Today, students will be bringing home their home reading or "lecture chez moi" for the first time. Each student has received a purple folder containing their French reading log, English BINGO sheet, French pronunciation tricks for parents, and a letter explaining the home reading process. The same letter can be found on the Lecture chez moi page of the blog.

Students also received time this afternoon to finish up the rough draft of their "My Summer Vacation" writing prompt. Those who were not finished were asked to complete the rough draft for Monday, so that we may begin to edit and revise our work.

October Scholastic order forms were handed out today as well, as the September orders should be due to arrive next week.

As an introduction to our first Science Unit: Les forces, students were given the challenge of finding examples at home this weekend, where they would "use the force" (i.e. pushing, pulling, magnetic force, gravitational force, forces of nature, etc.)

Possible topics for discussion this week are 100 Happy Days, 100 grid dice game, Terry Fox, word work, the "être" song, and reading buddies.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Today I liked playing outside because I liked playing with my friends. I liked playing games with them.  I also am excited to run for Terry Fox outside. #100HappyDays - Olivia

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Cookie Monster makes me happy because I like Sesame Street and Cookie Monster is really, really funny. I also like cookies. I love cookie monster. - Delonn #100HappyDays

Monday, 28 September 2015

Today library made my happy because it was quiet. - Taylor #100HappyDays

Friday, 25 September 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Students worked hard this week on their first art project. Those who were not finished the good copy nor their "d" and "g" cursive letter worksheets were asked to finish it at home for Monday. Students will need crayons and a sharpie marker to outline and colour in their work. If you do not have either at home, please let me know before Monday and we can make other arrangements for the homework. Gym clothes were also sent home to be washed this week. Please send them back for gym class on Monday. A friendly reminder that Monday is Picture Day, please be sure to send in your child's picture forms if you have not already done so.

Possible discussion topics for the week: 100 Happy Days challenge, Reading Buddies, Name Art, and Skip counting.

Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

I chose recess because I had a lot of fun with my friends. #100HappyDays - Samantha

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Reading made me happy because its nice to take a break. #100happydays

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

I felt like having les amis lecteurs because I got to read to other people. It was a good thing to have in my day. - Alexander #100happydays

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

The class felt that having éducation physique first period was a great way to start our day. #100HappyDays
#100HappyDays Challenge

For the next one hundred days, we will be participating in the 100HappyDays Challenge. Everyday, a different student will have the opportunity to take a picture of something that made their day and post it to the blog. While one student is posting to the blog, the rest of the class will have a chance to write about what made them happy on that day and add the memory to their "Memory Jar". The purpose of the challenge is for participants to take time to appreciate the small things that can brighten our day. I have posted the link bellow if you are interested in learning more about the challenge.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday, September 18th, 2015

We have had a very successful first full week back at school! Students have been making an awesome effort to speak in French and to contribute to our classroom rules and routines. Some possible topics for discussion this week are "Multiple Intelligences" or our different "smarts", our classroom beliefs, memory jars, "Good Fit" books, and cursive writing. 

Home work has been written in their agenda. Gym clothes will be sent home next weekend. 

Have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Scholastic update

Now parents can pay online by credit card!

Parent Pay is the NEW quick, easy online way for parents to pay for their Reading Club orders.

Using Parent Pay is as easy as 1-2-3!
  1. Parents visit to complete the payment for their Reading Club order, then submit their order form to their child's teacher.
  2. Teachers place class orders as usual and when they're ready to submit, the parent payments are already there waiting to be applied.
  3. Books arrive in the classroom and Bonus Coupons are deposited in the teacher's Bonus Bank, just like always!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Colour days are coming up again! To help our kindergarteners learn their colours, please take the time out to dress up on the colour themed days. ** Students will also write a reminder in their agenda the day before!

  • Monday, September 21 – rouge (red)
  • Tuesday, September 22 – bleu (blue)
  • Wednesday, September 23 – jaune (yellow)
  • Thursday, September 24 – vert (green)
  • Friday, September 25 – orange (orange)

  • Monday, September 28 – brun (brown) **picture day** 
  • Tuesday, September, 29 – rose & violet (pink & purple)
  • Wednesday, September 30 – gris (grey)
  • Thursday, October 1 – noir & blanc (black & white)
  • Friday, October 2 – arc-en-ciel (rainbow)

Class Dojo

This year, students will be participating in "Class Dojo", an interactive classroom management website. Today I sent students home with a letter including their individual log-in information. The letter will direct you as to how to sign up to monitor your child's classroom behaviour either on the website or by downloading the free up.

When you have successfully signed up, please sign and return the lower half of the letter to me by Friday, September 18th.

Please let me know if you have any questions or are having any difficulties signing up!

Thank you,
Mme. Buchanan 
Spelling Survey

Please take a moment to fill out the quick survey regarding your preferences for Spelling and Dictée this year!

Thank you!
Mme. Buchanan

Friday, 11 September 2015

Our First Day Back
We had an awesome first day back at École Robert Browning! Students were very engaged and were making an awesome effort to speak in French! Some key discussion points that you could ask your child about tonight would be: Autograph Bingo, Sammy the Worm, and Origami Yoda. 

Homework is written in their Agenda. Please sign to acknowledge that it has been read. School supplies that need to be brought in for next week include: 1 Kleenex box, 2 ziplock bags, 1 pair of headphones (in a labelled ziplock bag), running shoes, and gym clothes.

I hope you have a great weekend!
Mme. Buchanan

Thursday, 10 September 2015


I hope you all have had a wonderful, relaxing summer with your families! It was great to meet with you and your child on Wednesday and Thursday. School will start at it's normal time tomorrow, 9:04 is the first bell. I will be outside at the rear entrance to meet the students before the bell to help them find their lines and answer any additional questions you may have about the first day!

Monday, 20 April 2015

Les légendes autochtones

Now that we have finished our "Canada Unit" in social studies, students will now be studying Manitoba. Part of the curriculum includes exploring the province's different cultures, including Aboriginal beliefs and values. Students were broken up into groups and given different Aboriginal legends to interpret with their group members. They were then asked to plan a play and retell the legend to the class. Later this week, students will be turning their legend into a French comic strip.

**Students are encouraged to share their thoughts on the plays bellow! :)

Earth Day Assembly

Incase you were unable to attend our assembly, here is a recording of our presentation. 

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Earth Day Song

Please be sure to practice the song for our assembly presentation, tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 pm!

Friday, 20 February 2015

École Robert Browning will recognize next Wednesday, February 25 as Anti-Bullying Day, or Pink Shirt Day. Students are invited to wear a pink shirts to take a stand against bullying. 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Concours d'art presentations

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
(9:30 to 10:20)
Felix R.

(11:00 to 11:50)

Thursday, February 19th, 2015
(9:30 to 10:20)
Felix W.

(11:00 to 11:50)
Ben D.
Ben K.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


This week we celebrated the Festival du Voyageur complete with pancake breakfast and voyageur activities!

le petit-déjeuner des crêpes

la journée du Festival

La course des canöes